Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Pencil Sketch, colored in Photoshop. This is my niece trying on her stepdad's jacket at a local seafood place last week. This was her actual expression as she mugged for the camera. I've been having fun making cartoon sketches of people and learning how to draw facial expressions, clothing, and placement of hands and feet. Drawing fingers is challenging--for me at least! I love the ability to color these in Photoshop and all the options offered, but I'm far too impatient so it still looks a bit rough. Anyway, I'll probably experiment a bit more until I discover a style that I'm happy with.


Janice Ykema said...

very nice piece.. ! I bet she loves it when you show it to her!

Greg Hartman said...

Your niece has a great expression on her face! Love the fish detail.

Michelle Lana said...

nice! love the expression!

mike r baker said...

Funny! I like this piece! Your drawings are fun and well executed. :)

You should do more experimenting in PhotoShop (not that you aren't doing well already). Try the different brushes (there's hundreds!) and modes (like "multiply" and "lighten"). Look for tutorials. There's a simple one on my blog under "answers" and a Google search can turn up some great stuff.

JC said...

Thanks so much for your comments! Janice, yes I plan to give it to her and her stepdad as a Father's Day gift. Greg, wow thanks!--I didn't really know what a mounted fish should look like and did all sorts of crazy stuff on Photoshop just to color it in. Michelle, that expression is what the whole pic is about really, thanks! Mike, thank you so much for the suggestions. My photoshop version is older than dirt but I have tried the multiply function and it's great. Yes, I love your tutorials!