It's called "Listening is an Act of Love", and it's a bunch of stories from real people interviewing each other... a sort of modern day history project called StoryCorps. The stories would be recorded on CD's, one would be given to the participants, the other went to the Library of Congress. It's an opportunity to preserve American history through the experiences of everyday people like you and me. I was actually just trying to get back to sleep so I thought reading a book might be the trick. Wow, I was so fascinated just by the first few pages! And even more fascinated by this project.
You know, I actually had picked up a People magazine just before and was reading about J. Lo's twins, and which celebrity was dating who or breaking up with whoever that week. Let me tell you, I hope that America is not remembered by it's celebrities and who decided to go to rehab. I think this project is a great way to showcase the normal, "regular" people whose stories are much more interesting and inspiring and REAL!
Here's a pic of the Grand Central booth where people can record their stories. Darn, why didn't I know about this when I went to NYC a couple of years ago?

And here's a pic of the mobile story booth. Take a look at their schedule to see if it's coming to a town near you:

And here's some stories you can actually listen to (some of the favorite ones I had the honor of hearing and reading about in the book):
Michael Wolmetz and Debora Brakarz, boyfriend and girlfriend, interview each other. “So, this is the ring that my father gave to my mother…”
Dr. Richard Collins and his grandson, Sean. “Sister said it was a sin against the school.”
William Jacobs tells his grandson, Seth, about an unexpected visit from his fiancee’s mother. “She said, ‘I have to tell you some things…’”
12-year-old Joshua Littman, who has Asperger’s syndrome, interviews his mother, Sarah. “Have you ever lied to me?”
Hee-Sook Lee and her daughter, Joyce. “I said, ‘I love you.’ And he said, ‘Okay.’ I wasn’t satisfied with that answer.”
The Perasas recorded what would be their final interview together at their home in Brooklyn
Mary McCormick interviews her 84-year-old father, Dan E. Andrews, Jr. “Can you tell me the scariest moment when you were a little boy?”
Anthony D’Andrea tells his daughters, Monica and Mary, about autograph hunting outside Yankee Stadium in the 1940s. “He said, ‘Freckles, how many times do you want my signature?”
Anyway, this is just a sampling of great stories I heard. This project is something really interesting to do on your own too. Maybe over a cup of coffee or tea? =)