Sunday, September 7, 2008

New Painting!

I can hardly believe I got this painting done! Yesterday was absolutely crazy, as I had several errands and seemed to be on the road forever. And I thought I'd be exhausted when I got home, but somehow my creative energy was still flowing and I managed to finish this painting of a quail. It's acrylic on a 5x12 piece of plywood, and I mixed in a medium that makes acrylic brush on and blend like oil paint.

I was under the gun to finish this because I'm giving it as a birthday gift to a very good friend of mine, who loves quails.

It's very satisfying to complete a project that's been on my "to do" list for a few weeks. Plus, I proved to myself that I can paint something other than ATC's. =)

Friday, September 5, 2008

I Love Your Blogs, Too!

The very talented (and super nice) Lisa M. Griffin gave me the "I Love Your Blog" award some time back, and I am shamefully late posting it... sorry! This goes right back to Lisa, as her site is such an enjoyable place to visit. I'm also giving it to all the "Cool People with Lots of Talent" featured on my sidebar. Check them out and find out why I love their blogs so much!